Monday, August 2, 2010

Questions, Questions....

Ok sooo only about 8 more weeks before Baby Jake gets here, and we still have not decided on a middle name!!! I know, I fail at life, right!?! But nothing seems to go well with Jacob to me. So far we are leaning more toward Jacob Ryan, but I'm still not sure. So any ideas? Also I have have decided that I want to cloth diaper this time around, but while doing research, I could not BELIEVE how many choices there are!! And they look soooo cute now, but I want something that is more than just cute. I want it durable, of course, since the whole point is saving money, leak proof and affordable. And I don't know if its just the the pictures, or are all cloth diapers that bulky!?! I mean they're cute, but Jake is not going to be running around (ok, ok, laying) in just his diaper all the time, I do have to take him out. I've seen some pics of leggings under the diaper, but how well do they fit under clothing? I don't really want him sporting this huge bubble plush butt! Nor do I want to have to buy clothing is bigger sizes. When I checked out reviews on different website, I got sooo many mixed messages. For the same diaper, some said they were awesome, while someone else said they leaked!!! I am so CONFUSED!!! HELP!!!

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